Justin Sane - a good UU kid
After shopping at the East End Food Co-op, I had to pick up some things at Whole Foods for Claymama and was so glad I did. I actually bumped into political punk band Anti-Flag's lead singer, Justin Sane. He was incredibly nice (just like when a friend and I chatted him up after a show at Club Laga years ago). We talked about their performance of "This Is The End For You My Friend" on Jimmy Kimmel last week and the little change they made in the lyrics at the end of the song to dis the "Pontiac Summer Stage Concert Series" thing. He said the folks on the show got really pissed at the band later (after they realized what had happened).
We talked about the new album, For Blood And Empire (it's AMAZING - go BUY IT NOW!!!), which is their first for a major label and all the craziness/judgment that has accompanied that. We also talked about our experiences with the Unitiarian Universalist church. He told me he used to go to Summer Institute (my family goes now) and he would love to go again but is too busy in the summer touring. He attended the UU sexuality class for children and youth, Our Whole Lives (I'm an OWL instructor - coincidentally I taught it with the mother of Anti-Flag's first guitarist, Andy). I confessed when I am a teacher at church of a disgruntled looking punk teenager, I have often pointed out that Justin and Pat Thetic (Anti-Flag's drummer) are/were UU's. That is like credibility in a can to those kids and often makes the fact that their parents dragged them to "some lame church" WAY more palatable. He laughed and gave his blessing to continue using that. He said that UU Youth Conventions probably saved his life and that his best friends are ones he made at those gatherings.
It was actually a rather brief (less than 5 minute) conversation, but I'm really glad I saw him. A good UU kid who is living out the 7 Principles - and pissing off corporate america as he does it. Go Justin!
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