Tuesday, August 29, 2006


So with claymama working overtime all weekend I took Caz1996 and Ruby2001 to my dad's in Ohio. We got to have a cookout with our friends Brian & Viv (w/Andrew & Brandon) and Bruce & Kathy (w/Calvin & Eden). It was just so great getting to visit with them. Brian started his own design business a few months ago and things are going better than expected there. Farmer Bruce is finishing his apprenticeship, got an education job in Medina and Kathy is writing pretty much every article in the West Side Leader.

We got to visit with Bruce & Kathy (and our old friend Sue) at Crown Point Farm and got the tour. What a very cool place!

I had promised claymama that I would get her Luigi's Pizza since it is SO much better than any pizza in Pittsburgh. After everyone left Sat. night, I called for takeout and took Caz1996 with me. He didn't remember going previously and was very impressed. It was actually pretty dead (11:00 or so on a Sat night!?!) We ended up sitting down and having a couple of pieces while listening to our songs on the jukebox (Beatles, Stevie Wonder).

I think Caz1996 came away with a better opinion of Akron and even said he DEFINITELY wants to go to the Lebron James Bike-A-Thon thing next June. At some point he'll admit he likes Lebron James. Right now I think he's still too stubborn.


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